

By January 25, 2021Posts

                                                                                                            What does it mean to be magnetic to love?


I think it means that there is something inside of you that is a perfect match to everything outside of you that IS LOVE.

Examples of loving forces outside of you:

  • people who are loving
  • animals who are loving
  • beauty in art, nature

​​​​​​​We become a match to anything we desire by becoming more of it inside of ourselves.

How do you become more loving?

You focus more on love.  Each of us is filled with an incredible capacity to love.  What gets in the way is when we get stuck in anger jealousy, resentment, judgement, obsessions, etc.

You are human, so you’re going to experience those negative emotions.  But if you want to be magnetic to love, if you want to attract more love into your life, you have to realize the POWER you have to shift to the “state of love”.

Here’s how.

First, recognize that you have the ability to choose what thoughts you focus on.  I like to say that we get to choose what we think, but that might not be entirely true.  Our brains are going to create crappy thoughts based on old neural pathways and default patterns.  But we do get to choose which thoughts we allow ourselves to focus on.  We get to choose which thoughts we want to practice and make stronger.

So if you want more of something in your life (who doesn’t want more love?), create and focus on more loving thoughts.  This takes deliberate action and attention.  If you let your mind do it’s own thing, you end up with more of what you worry about!

To create a “state of love”, simply direct your mind to focus on everything and anything you love! It really does start there.

You notice yourself focused on your hips or thighs or some imperfection on your body.  Shift to what you love about your body.  I can’t believe how strong my legs are!  I really do have beautiful eyes!  My hair looked great last night!  My fingers look so pretty when I have that pink polish on!

You notice yourself thinking about that family member that drives you crazy.  Shift to all the people you are related to that are so amazing that you just adore.  I’m so glad my siblings and I are so close!  I love my cousin; she’s so supportive and giving.  I love my aunt who has never once forgotten my birthday.  I love my nieces; being around them is so fun!  If you don’t have any family to feel good about, then focus on others in your life.

Another way to strengthen your “state of love” is to set aside time (I do this almost every morning) to just create this state inside of you.  I highly recommend this because the more you practice creating this state inside of you, the more natural it becomes and then you simply have to access this feeling state inside of you.


You will find  what works for you.  All you have to do is start by closing your eyes and centering yourself.  Focus on your breath to help settle your mind.  Then just call up thoughts, memories or visuals of things you love or that make you feel love.  I used to remember holding my son when he was a baby and I was in the rocking chair in his room and he would bury his head in my neck and Kenny Loggins was singing Return to Pooh Corner in the background.  Bringing in all of your 5 senses makes it more powerful for your brain.  I’ve even thought about an old Pepsi commercial when I was young where sweet puppies were loving all over this cute little boy (the 30 second mark brings a smile to my face every time)

Once you’ve found your loving thought or vision, stay there, bring in all of your senses and then exaggerate the feeling state.  Now just stay there and delight in feeling the love and joy in your heart for a few minutes.

The more you practice being in this “state of love”, the more it will feel natural and the easier it will be to access it.

Try to practice it all day long.

You will become more magnetic to attracting love into your life.

The next step is to practice self love. That will be my next topic!

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Author Ellen

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