Here’s one definition by David Hawkins, PhD: Letting go involves being aware of a feeling, letting it come up, staying with it and letting it run it’s course without wanting…
As a follow up to Stop Pushing My Buttons, I talked about out how to deal with our own feelings instead of dumping them on other people here. Today, I…
Let’s talk about motivation! What are the things that affect our motivation, whether it’s a fitness goal or weight loss goal, or finding love? Or about any purpose in our…
Last week, I talked about how we all develop a storage area of repressed and unfelt feelings in our ‘basement’ and how other people and circumstances push our buttons. This…
Have you ever had the thought if only this other person would stop doing or saying ***, then I wouldn’t get upset (and take it out on them)? I…
I did a podcast interview for The Coach’s Circle recently. You can listen to it here on Spotify The Coach’s Circle Podcast is presented by Life Coach Path, an online…
Last time I wrote about overcoming your fear of pain. Today I want to clarify healthy pain versus unhealthy pain. Healthy pain, or what I like to call clean pain is…

I’m reading an amazing book right now, Untamed, by Glennon Doyle. …