Do you apologize often? Do you constantly feel like you’re letting others down? One sure fire way to know if you are an ‘over-apologizer’ is to ask yourself, “Do I…
You have probably worked for an organization at one point or another that had a mission statement. Why do companies and nonprofits have one? Because it guides priorities and…
We all want to have better relationships, right? And we all know that we can’t control other people or get them to act the way we want them to,…
First, let me define what I mean by self-abandon. I use this term to describe all of the ways we avoid dealing with uncomfortable or painful feelings. In this context,…
This is the second post in my series “Becoming the Love of My Life” in honor of February. But really it’s in honor of YOU. And ME. Today I want…
The title for this post really represents a series of blog posts around self love in honor of February. My intention is that you give yourself the gift of greater self love…
In one of my favorite movies of all-time (The Wizard of Oz), Dorothy learns that she had within herself the power to return to her home in Kansas all along…
A 2009 article in O magazine reported on a study conducted at Stanford with over 1500 participants, looking at what differentiated partners in happy, healthy relationships from people who were…

Everyone has a ‘story’, right? What I mean by that is that everyone has a set of beliefs about themselves and their relationship to everything else (love, money, luck, life,…
You might be thinking, Oh yes! I am open and have so much to give! And I sure am ready for someone to love me! But are you really ready? …