SM, Florida
“As a result of working with Ellen, I have gotten married, have a beautiful child and feel so much more joy every day. She made me feel more empowered than I ever have because she taught me how to solve problems in a quick and effective manner using the model she taught me.”

Syuzanna, Ohio
“I was 44, had never been married or even in a serious relationship when I first started working with Ellen in January 0f 2013. I got married exactly one year later. I would never have met Bob if it weren’t for Ellen. What I liked about working with Ellen is that she gave me clear instruction on what to do to get into the right state of mind to get what I want in life. She never judged, gave her honest opinion, followed up on progress and is very wise person.”
A.H., California
“Before working with Ellen, I had no idea what it took to create a great relationship. I thought it was an unobtainable goal for me and had given up. Ellen taught me how to find the barriers to love I had created inside of me. She then guided me to find the deeper truth of my ability to love and I am thrilled to say that I am now in one of those relationships that I had only dreamt about!”
Rachel B., New York
“All the growth and development tools I had used in the past were just not working for me. I needed an answer now. Ellen’s Love Story tool gave me just that. I was blown away by Ellen’s supportive and laser-sharp coaching and I got results immediately. Unearthing the Love Stories that are running in the background has me feeling strong, confident and able to choose what is best for me and my relationship.”
Check out the article I co-wrote with Dr. John Grey about communication between men and women: 10 Most Common Relationship Misunderstandings (And How To Decode).
How do you know if you need a Life Coach or Relationship Expert?
Does any of this sound familiar:
- I’m not happy in my current relationship but I can’t leave
- I don’t like my job but I don’t know what else to do
- I wish I knew my life’s purpose
- I’ve spent most of my life pleasing others
- I feel ‘stuck’ in my life but I don’t know how to change it
- I need to find more balance in my life
What if you could overcome these obstacles?
You can and I’ll show you how!
Hi, I’m Ellen and I’m a coach for women who are tired of being disappointed in their relationships. They don’t understand why they’re successful in so many ways except picking the right partner and feel like giving up. I help them figure out what’s not working so that they can gain the confidence to attract the loving relationship they long for.
I spent so much of my life wondering why I couldn’t be successful in my relationships. I was certain there was something wrong with me and I constantly searched for how I could fix it. Then I found a great coach who taught me that my thoughts about myself were what was causing me to end up being disappointed over and over again. So I learned how to change my thoughts about myself, about men, and about relationships. Today, I am married to a wonderful man and I want to teach you what I learned.
Are you ready to make the commitment to yourself?
Is it easy for you to make commitments to other people when it comes to supporting them and being there for them? Do you do as well in supporting yourself or making commitments that serve you? If you’re like most women, you probably don’t give the time and attention to yourself. But most women tell me that their relationships are really important to them and that they would love to figure out how to have better relationships.
Like Jill. She came to me struggling with always putting everyone else’s needs before her own. She barely knew how to recognize her own needs. After working with me, Jill left a relationship with an alcoholic man, stopped catering to the angry demands of her adult children and spent some time living alone for the first time in her life. She is now dating a man who is kind, smart, successful, and best of all loves to meet her needs and bring tons of joy to her life. Jill has stopped kissing frogs and found her prince! If you’d like that, grab my free guide 5 Steps to Find The Love of Your Life below: