Step One: PAUSE
Anytime you want to pay attention to a feeling (or anything, really), it’s important to
stop what you are doing so you can shift your focus inward.
Center yourself by focusing on your breath and the sensations of breathing in your
physical body. This will help you to connect inward by removing your focus out of your
mind’s mental acrobatics. On each inhale, direct your breath deeper and deeper into
your belly, your pelvis and your hips and tell yourself that you are creating an opening
and receptivity to go inward.
Step Three: NOTICE
Now tune in to your body and just notice what’s going on. What sensations do you
notice? Do a scan from the top of your head down to the bottom of your feet and see
where you notice any tension, tightness, tingling, sharpness, discomfort, pinching, pressure,
squeezing or ANY sensation. Remember that ALL feelings are vibrations in our bodies.
Imagine that this feeling/sensation has a visual representation or color or texture or
shape. It could even have a sound. What is it? Is it hard or soft? Is it pointy? Sharp?
Red? Black? Just let your inner knowing show you what’s there.
Step Four: STAY
This is the hardest part. Just stay with it and BREATHE. Do nothing else. Don’t let
your mind analyze anything. Try to stay with the physical sensation. Your mind will
tell you to leave. Your mind is probably used to going away from discomfort. The
mind thinks that it’s protecting you from harm. But we know that no feeling can
harm us. So just stay and FEEL. Notice what your mind does but let it go, don’t stick
to any thoughts. Let them be ‘slippery’.
Finally, the feeling will start to morph. If it was a big black heavy block, it may
become light grey. It may liquify. It might start to move. Just be open to what-
ever it needs to do to fully process the energy so YOU CAN BE FREE