
What Do You Really Want?

By January 25, 2010Posts

It’s a good idea to regularly ask yourself this question.  What do I really want?  Really think about it.  Go beyond your usual answers and do some digging.  You will find more of what you yearn for.  The first step is to ask why.

Do you want fame and fortune?  Why?

I want to be famous because then millions of people will know who I am.

Why do you want that?

I want to know that I matter.

Why?  What is the feeling you are trying to achieve?

I want to feel important.

Is there a way that you can give yourself that feeling?  Things you can remind yourself of to reinforce that you are important?

I guess I could remind myself that I make a difference in the lives of my friends and family.

It helps to even make a list of ways you make a difference to your friends and family.

Here is a great example from a conversation I had with my friend Jeanette Maw, The Good Vibe Coach, recently:

I thought I wanted 1000 daily blog hits , but that was not it because once it got there I thought why did I think that would be so cool?   What I really wanted was to be making a strong impact with my writing knowing that lots of people were benefiting from it, feeling a beautiful community connecting through it, not the number!”

Jeanette really got clear about what she wanted by asking herself why!

So ask yourself what you want.  Then ask why a few times and try to identify the feeling state  that you are really trying to achieve.  Now ask yourself if there are other ways to bring more of that feeling into your life.

Sometimes what we think we want is quite different then what we really want.

What do you really want?


Author Ellen

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